Amazon reviews

Fantastic read so far! Exactly what I needed during difficult time. This book goes into depth on how we should all be living optimal life, being one with our higher self and not needing validation from anyone but ourselves. Teachers you to wake up to yourself and not continue to live someone else’s life due to all the programming from society. It’s time to remove old programs and live fearlessly in freedom.

Adam s.

Excellent book on quantum life.

I loved reading Dr. M. Teri Daunter’s book The Quantum Life: There Is a Better Way to Live.

It is a fun read with lots of personal stories to make the subject of metaphysics and quantum fields easy to understand and enjoy. Wow!! Her personal stories and the analogies she uses are very powerful and motivational. The Quantum Life is a book about self-realization and the physics of inner life.
This book teaches how to release blocked creativity, connect with the quantum field and gives you the opportunity to see ourself in the bigger scope of life by connecting to our Infinite Creative Intelligence. Dr. Daunter does a fantastic job on making it easy to understand, digest, and incorporate quantum physics and eastern wisdom into our daily life to reap the benefits.
I love her guidance on doing quantum meditation.

Thank you, Dr. Daunter.


I loved reading Dr. M. Teri Daunter's book The Quantum Life: There Is a Better Way to Live.

The Quantum Life by Dr. M. Teri Daunter takes the reader on a fabulous journey. Dr. Daunter is a clinical psychologist who is steeped in the Eastern philosophies and religions. She has traveled to India and has met the Dalai Lama. She has also obtained a second Ph.D. in Quantum Advanced Medicine. Most Eastern religions (well most religions) teach that your everyday life is built on illusions and that beneath the surface lies a wondrous universe, but one that operates according to different non-Newtonian rules.
Dr. Daunter does a marvelous job of integrating the seemingly disparate worlds of quantum physics and Eastern wisdom. She shares several of her own personal experiences of encounters with Bliss Consciousness as she has evolved toward greater spiritual enlightenment. She also describes a technique of “quantum meditation” that the reader can practice, for meditation is a primary highway on the road to enlightened consciousness.
If you have dabbled in meditation or Eastern philosophies, want to emulate the journey of George Harrison, the Beatle, or are curious how quantum physics and the world of chakras can be reconciled, by all means read Dr. Daunter’s book which will slake your thirst for knowledge, but leave you eager for more—perhaps an inward journey of self-knowledge.
Dr. Robert Fawcett

Robert Fawcett, author of Calming the Bipolar Storm

An integration of Eastern wisdom and concepts from quantum physics.

The book is very well written and easy to understand. I would recommend it to anybody interested in connecting with their spirit and attaining a state of inner peace.

Amazon Customer

Must read if you are seeking truth in life

I know sometimes when people read about a book like this they think it is ” beyond them” or ” too far out there” but the truth is, the beyond and the far out is where we all need to get to. And what I have found out while broadening my understanding of the world, God and myself is that I can remain a faithful Catholic and even get more out of my faith when I stretch my understanding of God, consciousness, spirit and soul. We are all so much more than who we think we are and the problem lies in that statement: we think too much and it makes us ill, hopeless, joyless and leaves us perpetually seeking peace. If you want to expand your soul and consciousness, you have to start somewhere–this is a good place to start. Don’t have any expectations and don’t bail when it seems beyond you–a lot of things were at one time beyond us. you have actually gone beyond before, so just do it bigger this time.


Love who you are and love your life

Dr Terri has literally been an answer to prayer. It’s amazing; through a series of incredible events the Universe brought her into my life. Right on time!!
She has given me clarification and understanding. Her book is the “science” behind the book I wrote regarding divine encounters I have had.
It has given provided me answers to questions I’ve had and has proven to be a true light in the darkness.
Life is truly magical 🙂 when we tune in.



My gosh—where do I start: The Quantum Life could not have arrived at a more timely juncture. Life has changed and is changing and this beautiful book provides timeless wisdom for our journey. Dr. Daunter’s far-reaching vision and evolution are apparent in her writing. Her thoughtful words provide perspective which may be deep, but still completely accessible to all. It provides hope and purpose—a true uplift for all of humanity. Dr. Daunter encourages healthy skepticism, which opens a path for growth; because, without questioning things, things can’t change, right? This book is a roadmap to Yourself—a beacon of Light to guide and connect us. You cannot read this and remain untouched. Do yourself a favor and read this beautiful book. Share it with your friends. It is that good.

Ranch Girl

This book belongs on the Oprah Book of the Month Club!

Once I got this book I couldn’t stop reading it. Immediately I had to tag pages to return to — just in the first few chapters — about meditative experiences without performance goals, learning about one’s self, and why women may have miscarriages. This book also recognizes that individuals are interdimensional and must accept responsibility for choices and behaviors. It details ways to restore your energy by looking within and filling your cup from the Ocean of Consciousness. Dr. Daunter cautions against self-indulgence and advises to accumulate grace without attachment. Ultimately all will return home once they perfect love for the whole and become fearless. The Quantum Life is a new treasure that will teach you how to live and model more authenticity.

Laura C.

A book that provides you with the tools to release blocked creativity

Before purchasing Dr. Daunter‘s book THE QUANTUM LIFE concept was not something that I knew much about … and what an eye opener it is! By simply reading the Dr’s description of our present mental state as opposed to what can be opened a small peephole into something exciting and much larger. So not wanting to waste my time reading about a concept with no instruction I skipped ahead … and Nice! I can already see that the author does not leave the reader hanging on a concept but also teaches with examples!! I’m stoked and can’t wait to dig into this book because, I’m thinking, that the Dr. is on to something good!

Amazon Customer

Explains The QUANTUM LIFE concept and teaches the way forward ... Very cool!

A call to live your best life. Will you follow the crowd, the orthodoxy, or will you live true to yourself? Dr. Daunter asks you to wake up, to go within, to stop looking outward to find the answers. She offers stories from her life and practical steps to come home to your Self. She cautions, you do have to do the work and and stuff happens… but you have a choice to be Love, to say I AM, to move forward into empowerment. It is a process to change your life. With Dr. Daunter’s practical tools, you can “reach your Divinity”.

Mary Seger

Soul Filling

Dr.Teri Daunter’s book is a spiritual seekers must read resource! It is clear that the author lives what she teaches. If you are ready to journey deep within and uncover tools to alter your life in ways unimaginable to you, open these pages and begin!



This book represents the personal journey of Dr. M. Teri Daunter to the quantum field of existence. She lays out the internal dialogue she has while encouraging the reader to “go within ” and “go deeper “. There’s much to connect with her to spawn one’s own journey to the quantum field where silence, spatiousness and ultimately pure consciousness replace the “I” thought, the familiar and the known language ladden limits of “orthodox existence” as she puts it. If one is already on the path or considering a journey , this may be the book for you. Namaste, Dennis Pelon PhD, C-IAYT

Dennis M. Pelon , PHD, RYT

A personal journey to the Quantum Field

The Quantum Life is a page turner, incredibly impressive, compelling and I could not put it down!!!! It’s unique style makes this book an exceptional read and I know it will reach millions of people !!! Bravo to Dr. Daunter !


Recommend read this book

This work provides a refreshing view on healing and a call to action to break free of our conditioning and embrace the power of the quantum self. Dr. Daunter has poured the heart of her teachings into this work. She provides us with an expanded perspective on the psychology of consciousness, and tools to help heal ourselves (such as the chapters on Quantum Meditation and The Subtle Spiritual Spine). The Quantum Life encourages us to expand from our current limited, reductionist model to a more integrative and holistic approach.


A refreshing view on the psychology of consciousness

As we begin to emerge from the darkness that has universally crippled us, Dr Teri’s The Quantum Life is a timely journey to find that light, to emerge into a spiritual awakening. Shed that mask and breathe!! This is a personal journey into self awareness and faith that goes deep into your being, your soul. Take that Quantum leap and challenge yourself to find the light and your peace. Blessings my dear friend and thank you for sharing your love and deep wisdom.

Carmela Surowiec

Emerge from the darkness.

“Dr Daunter knocked it right out of the park with with this book. THE QUANTUM LIFE belongs in EVERY home. Dr Daunter’s message to bring us to awareness of our functional unity with our inner Self is timeless. Unfortunately culture seems equally designed to sidetrack us from this natural development. This book is a page turner !!! Read it only if you dare to grow because you will not be left untouched!!!!”

Jae V. Plawecki

This book speaks to our human/spiritual condition

I absolutely loved The Quantum Life There Is A Better Way To Live written by Dr. M. Teri Daunter. I could not put this book down Starting with chapter one on Quantum Spirituality to the last chapter There Is A Better Way To Live. I truly cannot remember the last time I enjoyed a book so much!! Give yourself the gift of this book, you will be so happy you did.


The Quantum Life There Is A Better Way To Live is a must for your summer reading list!!

his book is an intellectual smack down of worn out societal norms. Dr. Daunter scrapes away the mortal veneer and offers an intense plea to remind us of who we are and help explain the spiritual and physical peace available to all. After finishing this book I understood myself better, which is true of all good books. Please read.


For searchers

Our lives are focused on so much that is not core to who we are. Quantum Life takes a new perspective on mindfulness to help us break free of our habits and culture and live a life that is true to ourselves.

Wade C

5.0 out of 5 stars A New Perspective on Mindfulness

A thought provoking read for anyone that’s either a newbie on the path to self or has been on trail for a while. Perfect timing to help re-enter this world the way you would like to live. Take the time to experience this author’s depth and understanding. Her desire to help shines through every page.

scott conti

What everyone that desires a change needs to read!